A Free Workshop Event
With New York Times Bestselling Author Katherine Woodward Thomas
Join us for the Encore,  Tuesday March 15 at 12:00pm Pacific/3:00pm Eastern

Registration is now closed, but that doesn’t mean you missed out!

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Be free to finally realize your dreams and desires with a renewed sense of power, possibility and purpose.

You were born to create, to cure, and to contribute goodness, beauty & love to the world.

All of us born at this critical time 

came to the world coded for creativity and contribution, 

and we are restless with the unrealized potentials of our lives and of our world. 

Most of us feel ten months pregnant with what could and should be…

We wrestle with our unfulfilled longings for greater love, hope, happiness and connection. Yearning to live lives that are joyfully self-expressed, radically alive, and fully engaged in generating happiness and fulfillment for ourselves and others.

Why is it then, that after our many years of diligently working on ourselves, all the while making slow and steady progress, that we are still miles away from stepping into these potentials?

As though the love, happiness, and sense of belonging and fulfillment that we can almost taste on the tip of our tongues, are simply phantom lives that haunt us in the quiet moments.

There’s something that you already know deep down inside. 

You did not come here to live an unfulfilled life of longing, grief and fear.

Nor did you come here to be overworked, undersupported, unactualized and alone.

You came here to be lit up with the possibilities of the many ways you can create beauty, love, inspiration, healing and hope. 

This is your destiny.

You were born to love and be loved in big, bold and beautiful ways.  

And you have the power to realize this possible future.

Most of us have been trying to heal from the past, and have spent countless hours grieving the losses and disappointments we’ve suffered in our lives. 

We’ve been assuming that once we can finally heal ourselves, we’ll finally have access to the power we need to transform our lives and our world.

Yet the truth is… healing the past and transforming the future are two different domains. 

To truly transform your life, you must learn how to create your future from the future, and not just from the past.

To actually step into the “You” that you’re called to become, and begin living from the “Possible Self” of the future you’re standing to create.

You must learn to give up victimization, which will weigh you down and leave you mired in the quicksand of the past, powerless to change your present or the trajectory of your future… 

… even when there’s a strong case to be made that you have indeed been victimized by the bad behavior and choices of others who are unconscious, uncaring, sick, selfish or unkind.

In spite of this, we must seek to understand our own role clearly — and decide who we will be in the face of whatever we’ve endured, or are enduring, to awaken our own sense of agency and healthy, generative power.

To do this, we must discover how to take radical responsibility for our lives  outside of any sense of blame or shame — and awaken to ourselves as the creators of your lives and our world, in ways that begin to unleash our intuitive genius on how we can radically and heroically transform both.

Join us for a new free workshop with Katherine Woodward Thomas as she shares how to leave behind victimization and embrace your power to transform your life and our world now. 

During this powerful new event
with Katherine, you’ll:

  • Recognize yourself as the source of your stuckness in a way that accesses the power to evolve beyond it — and to be liberated from any old painful patterns that have kept you repeating the past

  • How to meet the you that you’re becoming — and begin to root down and make a home of that possible self, so it becomes the primary place that you’re creating your life from

  • Discover why non-victimization has been so hard to practice, and the one thing you can do that will make it possible to let go for real, and unlock the potentials of a future that looks nothing like your past

  • Explore the difference between radical self responsibility and self-blame and how to self-reflect in ways that lead to true growth and liberation

  • And more…

Katherine will show you how to access the power you’ll need to truly change your life and finally be free to create the life and love you came here to experience.

Learn how you can finally take your rightful place as a powerful generator of healing, light, abundance and love in this world.

Register Now

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Here’s What Other Thought-Leaders Have
to Say About Katherine

“There are people in all our lives to whom we listen with our ears perked, and for me, Katherine Woodward Thomas is such a person. Katherine is a woman I look to for wisdom and counsel. How wonderful that her advice is available to all.”
Marianne Williamson
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author, and world-renowned Spiritual Leader
“Katherine Woodward Thomas is a master teacher and one of the great pioneers who is offering new perspectives, skills and tools that will lead us into the depths of authentic loving, and to the true potency and power of relationship.”
Dr. Jean Houston
Bestselling Author of The Wizard of Us
“Katherine Woodward Thomas touches and transforms people’s lives with her quiet, graceful, exquisite elegance combined with an incredible power that moves through her and into us!”
Debra Poneman
Bestselling Author & Founder of YesToSuccess.com
“Katherine’s grounded and fierce tenderness has been an inspiring force for me for years. She is a visionary whose passion for both personal and global fulfillment is felt throughout her writing, presence and teachings. I am so grateful for her.”
Alanis Morissette
Grammy Winning Singer/Songwriter
“Katherine Woodward Thomas is my relationship guru. Her wisdom and guidance helped me clear all blocks to romantic freedom.”
Gabrielle Bernstein
New York Times Bestselling Author of Miracles Now
“Katherine Woodward Thomas articulately explains the cause of our relationship pain and what’s required of us to heal our major wounds, so we can evolve past them and become all of who we are!”
Jack Canfield
#1 New York Times Bestselling Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series
“Katherine Woodward Thomas is cutting edge with her knowledge. She is profound and deep. She is engaging and entertaining. You can hear a pin drop when she speaks.”
Marci Shimoff
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Happy For No Reason

About Katherine

Katherine Woodward Thomas is the New York Times bestselling author of Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After and Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attracting the Love of Your Life as well as an award-winning marriage and family psychotherapist. She’s also the creator of the Conscious Uncoupling process made known by Gwyneth Paltrow, and introduced a more conscious, creative and respectful way to transition out of a primary love relationship.

Katherine also trains and certifies people to become Certified Calling in “The One” Coaches and/or Conscious Uncoupling Coaches and provides ongoing supervision and development to a vibrant community of her coaches from around the world.  

Over the past two decades, Katherine has had the honor of teaching hundreds of thousands of people from all corners of the globe to create conscious, loving relationships and to realize the higher potentials all their connections hold for health and happiness. Katherine is a featured teacher with the international transformational educational giant, Mindvalley, and she’s appeared multiple times on The Today Show with Savannah Guthrie, been written about in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The London Times and many other media outlets as well as been a featured guest on Maria Shriver’s Architects of Change series.

In her spare time, she loves to sing, play the flute and write lyrics. She’s a Billboard charting, #1 iTunes jazz artist with her CD, Lucky in Love which was co-written and co-produced with The Koren Brothers.

You can find her at www.KatherineWoodwardThomas.com, www.CallingInTheOne.com, www.ConsciousUncoupling.com

If you’ve questions about the program, please email us at Support@KatherineWoodwardThomas.com

©2022 Katherine Woodward Thomas