A 2-Day LIVE Online Retreat
with New York Times Bestselling Author, Katherine Woodward Thomas
You’ve been striving to realize your higher potentials in life and love for a while…
You’re well aware of how your childhood, traumas, heartaches, and grief have been impacting your life…
Keeping you from manifesting the life you feel born to live — and thwarting your efforts to create the long-lasting, healthy, and deeply fulfilling relationship you long for.
At this point, you’ve left no stone unturned in your efforts to heal from past hurts. Why is it, then, that after so many years spent, and so many tears shed, you still keep bumping into the same tenaciously wearisome patterns?
These patterns leave you feeling disempowered to create the life you know deep down inside you came here to live.
How can you finally be free to access the power you’ll need to graduate from these painful patterns, forever? And create the happiness, success, abundance, and love you desire…
You deserve to take your rightful place in this world as a powerful generator of goodness, truth, beauty, and love.
Many of us are suspended in the residue of past pain, pulling us backwards — and we feel victimized by what we did or did not get in our youth or past relationships that so steadfastly holds us back.
Yet what if, in order to be free, you don’t actually need another five years of analyzing what happened to you?
There are three fatal mistakes we’ve been making in how we’ve been engaging our personal development path…
The first mistake is working from the past only, without a commitment to a future that’s different from anything we’ve ever known before…
A future that provides us with a clear road map on how to move forward, as well as the drive we need to take huge leaps — inspiring us to become unrecognizable to ourselves and others.
While healing is the domain of the past, transformation is actually the domain of the future! And we need to lean in to discover who we’ll need to be, to start growing ourselves in the direction of our dreams.
The second mistake is that, while in our efforts to connect the dots between what happened in the past and our lives today, we understand why we are the way we are — we don’t have access to changing it!
It’s like having insight into why we keep coming in last in the race. It doesn’t necessarily help us understand how to start coming in first!
We still have little access to the power we’ll need to wake up from the trance of our old false beliefs and become ourselves fully.
What unlocks a sense of true possibility and power to live our most fulfilling lives is the ability to understand ourselves as the source of our patterns.
You must awaken to how you yourself have internalized the failures of your early caregivers and are now the one who’s showing up in specific ways that are generating and perpetuating this experience.
While at first this might seem like more food for frustration, the truth is that…
It’s an art to learn how to see the specific ways you’ve been perpetuating your own experience… and to self-reflect in ways that untether you from the past without collapsing into shame or self blame.
Shame and self blame are the enemies of growth, and you must discover the empowering process of seeing yourself as the source of your experience in ways that wake you up to a choice to do it differently moving forward.
The third and final mistake we’ve been making, is failing to understand where we fall in the larger story of human becoming. As though our lives are somehow separate from the whole of humanity!
As dedicated as we’ve been to our own growth paths, until we stop making these mistakes and discover the essential keys to rapid, radical healing and transformation, we’ll continue plodding along in the slow and steady lane of our personal growth work.
There’s no time to waste!
Join us in this 2-Day Immersive Workshop with Katherine Woodward Thomas to discover the keys to fast tracking your growth work and awakening to your power to change not just your own life, but the lives of others in beautiful, meaningful ways.
During this 2-day interactive online event
with Katherine, you’ll:
On Day 1 of our retreat, Katherine will clarify the three keys of personal power. You’ll learn how to source your life from the “Possible Self” of your bright and beautiful future — to catapult you in the direction of your dreams.
On Day 1, you will:
You’ll end this day feeling on track to create the life that you were born to live — and feeling liberated to outgrow any area where you’ve felt stuck.
~ Katherine Woodward Thomas
It may seem counterintuitive to begin caring for others before you’ve accomplished everything you desire to accomplish for yourself, yet the secret of realizing extraordinary abundance in life and love is to become the source of it for others.
At this point of our collective journey, we recognize that the goal of all efforts towards self development is not actually self actualization…
The end game of our efforts is the actualization of all of humanity.
We must be ambitious for more than just ourselves…
We must be ambitious for the entire human race and driven to elevate the quality of life for all of us.
Once you expand your sense of self to include who you are for others, your whole life will finally make sense and you will become an unstoppable force of nature.
On our second day together, Katherine will empower you to recognize who you are for others, and awaken to the larger purpose for which you were born.
She’ll inspire you to expand your circle of care to include all of creation, and to begin expressing the highest and the best of who you are for the benefit of all beings.
In this second session, you’ll:
By the end of Day 2, you’ll awaken to the larger story of your life, and be on track to fulfilling your purpose. You’ll begin to see your own struggles inside of the context of human emergence. You’ll be lit up and on fire to take on the challenges of our time, and empowered— to make the difference that only you and you alone are here to make.
You’ll gather with Katherine and her team of Coaches for in-depth teachings and interactive engagement — full of powerful insights you can apply right away to ignite the miraculous in alignment and partnership with the Universe.
And don’t worry if you can’t be there live — because all sessions are recorded so you can catch up anytime! You’ll receive lifetime access to streaming video recordings of each teaching session. You can refer to these sessions time and again to capture Katherine’s teachings at a time and pace that works for your schedule.
You’ll easily connect with Katherine (and your Love-olutionary Community!) face-to-face via video. You can also drop in using audio-only if you prefer. Joining Katherine online is easy — just use your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.
Again, don’t worry if you can’t join us live! Complete video and audio recordings will be available for you soon after each session (generally within 24 hours).
Love in Action, A Virtual Gathering: Your Role in Recreating
The World (A $497 Value)
You’ll receive instant access to the video recordings from this heart-opening, mind-expanding weekend gathering from late last year. Katherine, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Iyanla Vanzant, Andrew Harvey, Mary Morrissey and more share their deepest reflections and guidance for stepping up at this pivotal time. You’ll feel more equipped to respond to the urgency of this moment, putting love into action — however YOUR heart leads you to proceed — as we turn the world in a new direction.
Love in Action, A Virtual Gathering: Your Role in Recreating
The World (A $497 Value)
You’ll receive instant access to the video recordings from this heart-opening, mind-expanding weekend gathering from late last year. Katherine, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Iyanla Vanzant, Andrew Harvey, Mary Morrissey and more share their deepest reflections and guidance for stepping up at this pivotal time. You’ll feel more equipped to respond to the urgency of this moment, putting love into action — however YOUR heart leads you to proceed — as we turn the world in a new direction.
Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet with Marie Diamond (A $97 Value)
1-Hour Digital Workshop
Join Katherine and transformational leader, speaker, and bestselling author, Marie Diamond for an on-demand 1-hour LIVE interactive workshop to receive valuable, applicable tips that will help you turn your energy around for 2022.
In this masterclass, you’ll discover:
Marie and Katherine will share how you can set yourself up for greater abundance, love, better health, and overall wellbeing in 2022 and beyond.
Overcoming Overwhelm: Cultivating Sustainability in a World
That Needs So Much (A $147 Value)
Digital Workshop with Christine Arylo
Explore, learn, and discuss the root reasons it’s so challenging for mission-based people and organizations to maintain balance and self-care. You’ll discover why it’s not your fault as you tap into your power to create more sustainable realities.
In this 90-minute workshop, you’ll discover:
This is a unique opportunity to interact live and directly with Katherine Woodward Thomas. Her cutting-edge insights, accessible teachings, and powerful work are helping us evolve love and move toward a world that works for all.
If you’re ready to discover the keys to creating rapid, radical healing and transformation for yourself and others, click the enroll button below to reserve your space now.
When you join Katherine’s for this transformative 2-day LIVE workshop, you’ll receive:
Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Katherine Woodward Thomas — from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a live streaming video option, or just listen to the audio from your favorite device. Sessions are on Saturday April 2 and Sunday April 3, from 10am-4pm Pacific Time.
Soon after each session, the video will be available for you to stream in high-quality format, accessible in your Power, Possibility & Purpose Online Community. Should you miss a session, you can catch up when you watch the recording, anytime and anywhere — on any connected device.
After each session, the audio will be available via high-quality MP3, also accessible in our Power, Possibility & Purpose Online Community. Should you miss a session, you can listen in and catch up at your convenience.
Love in Action, A Virtual Gathering: Your Role in Recreating
The World (A $497 Value)
You’ll receive instant access to the video recordings from this heart-opening, mind-expanding weekend gathering from late last year. Katherine, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Iyanla Vanzant, Andrew Harvey, Mary Morrissey and more share their deepest reflections and guidance for stepping up at this pivotal time. You’ll feel more equipped to respond to the urgency of this moment, putting love into action — however YOUR heart leads you to proceed — as we turn the world in a new direction.
Love in Action, A Virtual Gathering: Your Role in Recreating
The World (A $497 Value)
You’ll receive instant access to the video recordings from this heart-opening, mind-expanding weekend gathering from late last year. Katherine, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Iyanla Vanzant, Andrew Harvey, Mary Morrissey and more share their deepest reflections and guidance for stepping up at this pivotal time. You’ll feel more equipped to respond to the urgency of this moment, putting love into action — however YOUR heart leads you to proceed — as we turn the world in a new direction.
Katherine Woodward Thomas is the New York Times bestselling author of Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After and Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attracting the Love of Your Life as well as an award-winning marriage and family psychotherapist. She’s also the creator of the Conscious Uncoupling process made known by Gwyneth Paltrow, and introduced a more conscious, creative, and respectful way to transition out of a primary love relationship.
Katherine also trains and certifies people to become Certified Calling in “The One” Coaches and/or Conscious Uncoupling Coaches and provides ongoing supervision and development to a vibrant community of her coaches from around the world.
Over the past two decades, Katherine has had the honor of teaching hundreds of thousands of people from all corners of the globe to create conscious, loving relationships and to realize the higher potentials all their connections hold for health and happiness. Katherine is a featured teacher with the international transformational educational giant, Mindvalley, and she’s appeared multiple times on The Today Show with Savannah Guthrie, been written about in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The London Times, and many other media outlets as well as been a featured guest on Maria Shriver’s Architects of Change series.
In her spare time, she loves to sing, play the flute, and write lyrics. She’s a Billboard charting, #1 iTunes jazz artist with her CD, Lucky in Love which was co-written and co-produced with The Koren Brothers.
You can find her at www.KatherineWoodwardThomas.com, www.CallingInTheOne.com, www.ConsciousUncoupling.com
If you have questions about the program, please email us at Support@KatherineWoodwardThomas.com
©2022 Katherine Woodward Thomas