Awaken your ability to create healthy, happy, balanced relationships.

Discover how to cultivate positive, life-affirming connections with Katherine Woodward Thomas’ transformative 3 – part Digital Course on conscious relating.

Consciously relate to others — your partner, colleagues, friends & family — from your Sovereign Self.

Leave projections & old stories behind as you separate yourself from your triggers — and release covert, unhealthy dynamics.

We all know that having healthy, happy, relationships is an essential part of living a fulfilling life.

Whether with an intimate partner, a professional colleague, a treasured friend or family member… positive, life affirming relationships are the foundation from which we can create beautiful, meaningful, rich and inspired lives. 

Positive, committed relationships build us up and feed us the confidence, strength, and courage we’ll need to realize our potentials and make our greatest contributions.

They provide a soft place for us to land — a kind, compassion field of connection that inspires us to be resilient and brave in the face of life’s normal obstacles, setbacks and delays.

Yet you and I both know that all too often, the setbacks we experience are our relationships themselves!

Rather than cushioning us against the blows of life, they often weigh us down instead. 

Sometimes this negativity is covert and subtle in ways that make it hard to overcome.

It shows up like the repeat of painful, disappointing dynamics.

Someone always leaves, no matter how hard you’ve tried or how much you’ve given.

Or you always seem to find those who need rescuing and end up feeling  drained rather than inspired by the connection.

Or you somehow wind up with people who always need to be the center of attention and who suck all of the oxygen out the room, leaving you invisible yet again.

Like a vortex or tidal wave, you somehow find yourself pulled back into the same old painful dynamics of your past. 

Over and over again against your will. In spite of all of your years of analyzing the why of it, diligently chipping away at the tenacity of this story, trying to get to the bottom of it in order to heal it once and for all.

As much as you yearn for healthier connections and more support, it may seem easier to simply lower your expectations and just go it alone in life.

Yet the good news is, you have more power than you know to cultivate positive, conscious connections that are a complete departure from this well worn dynamic!

You have the power to graduate forever from these disappointing patterns and discover how you can create rich, fulfilling, nourishing, happy, healthy, loving connections!

It’s not that you haven’t been working hard enough.

Yet it may be that you haven’t known how to work most effectively to ensure that your relationships grow healthy, happy and strong. 

Such that your relational field becomes a solid foundation for you to launch your creativity and  brilliance into the world. 

And create the kind of relational field that offers you the deep happiness and well being you yearn for.

If you’ve been unable to create this before now, it’s not your fault.

Yet it is yours to now evolve.

There are core skills you’ve not yet learned that once you know them, will support you to graduate from old painful patterns and allow your relationships to flourish and thrive.

Some of these skills are:

The development  of a solid sense of self.

The ability to recognize when you are projecting the hurts of your past onto your present. 

Or when others are doing that to you.

The capacity to step outside of that story to generate a different experience. One of mutual satisfaction, authentic care, freedom and love.

When you have a solid sense of self and your energy is anchored from within, you’re connected to, and generating your relationships from, the truth of your value and worthiness. 

You are open to feedback without getting defensive, because ultimately you’re able to make empowered meaning of whatever comes your way. You love and trust yourself and therefore no longer give your power away to others to determine your value. 

You absolutely can become the ultimate authority of your own emotional experience within every relationship… 

Before you know it, it will become second-nature to you to create a dynamic where you’re awake to your worthiness to be respected and valued no matter what others are doing or not doing, and helping others to wake up out of the trance of their own projections — simply by not buying into the other person’s story, and by not taking it personally… 

Join Katherine Woodward Thomas for this 3-part Digital Course where you’ll be guided through a powerful and highly-transformative process that will help you to feel confidence in your ability to create healthy, happy, balanced relationships across the board.

In this course, Katherine shares the powerful tools and practices that will set you up to get the love and support you'll need to flourish and thrive in life. All good things come to us via the gateway of our relationships with others. Join us to discover how you can create healthy, balanced relationships that can deepen and grow over time.

During this Digital Course with Katherine, you’ll:

  • Learn to manifest the kinds of connections you’ve always wanted — and nurture and sustain the love you create
  • Get clear about the false beliefs you’ve been projecting onto others — and recognize how you’ve been (unknowingly) setting them up to disappoint you
  • Free yourself to cultivate the healthy, happy love you’ve yearned for as you discover the specific ways you’ve been the source of your painful relational patterns 
  • Master the seven simple steps to graduate from your habitual unhealthy relational dynamics

  • Discover the joys of living a self-authorized, self-determined life when you stop giving your power away to others to determine your value
  • Stay in the center of your power, integrity and sovereignty — no matter what others are doing (or not doing)

  • Explore how to always stay open and curious when receiving feedback

  • Recognize the relational nature of beliefs and step into your full creative powers to generate co-healing and health in all of your connections

  • Discover the five golden keys of good relational hygiene

  • Awaken to the true purpose of your connections with others and have this become your new North Star

  • Create freedom and love between yourself and others as you learn to quickly dissolve old hurts and disappear festering resentments

  • Lay a strong, solid foundation that will support you to create healthy, happy relationships that can grow and flourish for many years to come

Part I

Waking Up from the Trance: Re-writing Your Story About Others.

We begin by helping you to see your automatic projections onto others clearly and the impact these beliefs have on how you show up in your relationships and unconsciously set others up to disappoint you again and again…

On our opening day, we will help you see clearly, your automatic projections — what you’re assuming is true, the impact these beliefs have on how you show up with others and how these assumptions are setting others up to disappoint you again and again…

If you look at all the habitual unhealthy relational dynamics that you struggle with — perhaps codependence, co-narcissism, idealizing others or devaluing them… they all trace back to ways you’re giving away your power in response to what you automatically assume. What others feel about you (others don’t like me, or others don’t want what I have to offer), or how you assume that they’ll behave ( others always leave or others don’t choose me.)

When your relationships with others are impaired, it’s often because you’re bringing the past into the present and projecting erroneous assumptions that are based on past relational trauma into the present. When we do this, then what’s possible between ourselves and others becomes limited.

You’ll be triggered by things that aren’t actually happening in here and now. Through the lens of your old interpretations, you’ll automatically respond in ways that bait others to show up to validate that perspective. 

Rewounding you over and over and over again, and solidifying the worldview of your old story.

It feels like it’s just happening to you.

Yet it’s actually happening again through you, though outside of your conscious awareness.

In this course, Katherine guides you to wake up out of that trance so you can finally generate happier, healthier dynamics between yourself and others!

She will help you to become conscious of the automatic nature of these projections and how they are influencing you to defend and protect yourself — and even create strategies for safety that are actually imprisoning you and causing you to repeat painful dynamics from the past over and over again. 

Yet once you awaken to yourself as a source of these stories, and are able to pinpoint the false meaning you’ve been inside of and operating from — you can course correct these beliefs at the very foundation of your consciousness… and begin to generate your relationship from what’s actually true.

That you have the power to root down love and learn how you can create greater happiness and co-creativity in your connections with others.

That others actually like and even love you, and would be grateful for the opportunity to demonstrate that, if only you’d have the courage to let them in.

That others will value and respect you to the extent that you value and respect yourself.

That many others would be delighted to support your dreams if you gave them the chance to do so.

In this opening session, you’ll:

  • See clearly the false beliefs you’ve been projecting onto others — that have been setting them up to disappoint you, over and over again
  • Awaken to the truth of who you are for others, and who others are for you — and become liberated to realize the true potential of your relationships
  • Discover the specific ways you’ve been the source of your painful relational patterns — and be free to finally create the kind of healthy, happy love you’ve yearned for
  • Learn the seven simple steps to graduate you forever from any habitual unhealthy relational dynamics
  • Become masterful at manifesting the kinds of connections you’ve always wanted — and learn to nurture and sustain the love you create

Part II

Centering in Your Sovereign Self: Relating With Integrity & Truth

This pivotal part of the course will deepen your ability to create empowered relationships with others by becoming aware of their projections onto you, and deepen your ability to navigate it in an elegant and masterful way. 

Because as you’ve been projecting your false beliefs onto other people, people are also projecting their false beliefs onto you. 

You can almost feel it in the field between you.

The weight of their mistrust, as though they’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Of their covert superiority which you can hear in their tone of voice, yet which are the opposite of the words that are coming out of their mouths.

The walls they put up before they’ve even given you a chance.

Katherine will teach you to hold your own in these moments. So that you are immune to becoming swept up in the lies of someone’s unhealed past.

She will show you how to avoid the strong pull to become a player in other people’s false narratives, and help you to generate your relationships from a place of dignity, truth and sovereignty.

So that you don’t take it personally when others are projecting their old sad stories onto you.

Or unconsciously setting you up to play out their unresolved painful past.

Or worse yet, projecting their own disowned shadow onto you.

That instead, you have the power to step outside of these toxic narratives, and respond to what’s happening between you in ways that are true to who you are, and to who you are becoming.

As well as in ways that elevate what’s possible between you, and generative of healing, wholeness and well being.

Where you become a leader of love in your connection.

And a creator of greater happiness and health between you.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Stop giving your power away to others to determine your value and worth, and discover the joys of living a self-authorized, self-determined life

  • Become immune to the destructive projections of others and learn to stay in the center of your power, integrity and sovereignty, no matter what others are doing or not doing

  • Remain open and curious when receiving feedback — even when it’s offered in less-than-conscious ways

  • Learn to stand in your truth and not take it personally when others pull on you to show up in ways that duplicate old hurts of their past

  • Recognize the relational nature of beliefs and step into your full creative powers to generate co-healing and health in all of your connections

Part III

Relating Clean & Clear: Creating Wholesome, Happy, Loving Connections

In this final session, you’ll be given the blueprint for how to create happy, healthy relationships that can flourish over time.

We are living in a time of profound relational transformation, and the rules that once provided us with a sense of safety in love, no longer apply.

As we are constantly updating our technology, our diets, and our child rearing practices, so too do we need to continually uplevel and grow our capacities to love and be loved in order to realize the possibilities now seeking to emerge between us.

No longer is it sufficient to simply know your issues.

You now have to know how to evolve beyond them in order to create great relationships.

No longer is it enough to simply know what you want in your relationships.

You now have to know how to generate the fertile conditions that will allow all involved to feel well, balanced and whole in the connection between you.

As the world around us is experiencing massive breakdowns, Life is requiring us to cultivate a stronger, healthier field of relatedness between us. It’s the movement towards unity consciousness and it will not simply descend upon us.

It is something we must consciously evolve and give ourselves to.

In this pivotal session, you’ll learn how to generate a clear field to experience co-creativity, harmony, unity and freedom between yourself and others.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover the five golden keys of good relational hygiene
  • Awaken to the true purpose of your connections with others and have this become your new North Star
  • Learn how to weave a powerful relational field that will inspire and support you to become the most radically alive, impactful and uniquely creative version of yourself possible
  • Discover how to quickly dissolve old hurts and disappear festering resentments to create freedom and love between yourself and others
  • Lay a strong, solid foundation that will support you to create healthy, happy relationships that can grow and flourish for many years to come
  • Move through a powerful exercise to recover from codependency, visualizing how you’ll keep your energy inside of you as you extend love to other people

What You’ll Discover In This Powerful 3- Part Digital Course

Katherine Woodward Thomas will guide you step-by-step, showing you exactly how to consciously relate to others — your partner, colleagues, friends, and family — from your Sovereign Self…

You’ll leave projections and old stories behind as you separate yourself from your triggers — and release covert, unhealthy dynamics.

This is a unique opportunity to receive Katherine Woodward Thomas’ compassionate insights, accessible teachings and powerful work that helps create a more beautiful and healthy world.

Ready to grow joyful and deeply meaningful connections in every area of your life?


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And the Bonus recorded Q&A session

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Full Tuition $697

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If this retreat isn't a great fit for you, for whatever reason — refunds can be requested up until 5:00pm Pacific Time on February 19, 2021.

Here’s What Other Thought-Leaders Have to Say About Katherine

“There are people in all our lives to whom we listen with our ears perked, and for me, Katherine Woodward Thomas is such a person. Katherine is a woman I look to for wisdom and counsel. How wonderful that her advice is available to all.”
Marianne Williamson
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author, and world-renowned Spiritual Leader
“Katherine Woodward Thomas is a master teacher and one of the great pioneers who is offering new perspectives, skills and tools that will lead us into the depths of authentic loving, and to the true potency and power of relationship.”
Dr. Jean Houston
Bestselling Author of The Wizard of Us
“Katherine Woodward Thomas touches and transforms people’s lives with her quiet, graceful, exquisite elegance combined with an incredible power that moves through her and into us!”
Debra Poneman
Bestselling Author & Founder of
“Katherine’s grounded and fierce tenderness has been an inspiring force for me for years. She is a visionary whose passion for both personal and global fulfillment is felt throughout her writing, presence and teachings. I am so grateful for her.”
Alanis Morissette
Grammy Winning Singer/Songwriter
“Katherine Woodward Thomas is my relationship guru. Her wisdom and guidance helped me clear all blocks to romantic freedom.”
Gabrielle Bernstein
New York Times Bestselling Author of Miracles Now
“Katherine Woodward Thomas articulately explains the cause of our relationship pain and what’s required of us to heal our major wounds, so we can evolve past them and become all of who we are!”
Jack Canfield
#1 New York Times Bestselling Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series
“Katherine Woodward Thomas is cutting edge with her knowledge. She is profound and deep. She is engaging and entertaining. You can hear a pin drop when she speaks.”
Marci Shimoff
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Happy For No Reason

Meet Katherine

Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., MFT is the New York Times Bestselling Author of Calling in “The One:” 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life and Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After, which inspired the conscious breakup of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, and launched a movement towards kinder, more honorable breakups and divorce.

Katherine is an award-winning licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, creator of two Mindvalley Quests, and has trained thousands of people as certified relationship coaches of her highly transformative methods. She is also the creator of the acclaimed True You process and lead teacher of the True You Membership Program.

©2021 Katherine Woodward Thomas