Join us for this 3-day deep dive into the very heart of connection — and discover a profound pathway to awaken to your Higher Self.
During this never-before-offered restorative and reflective New Year’s Retreat, you’ll receive the building blocks to create….
If nothing else, 2020 taught us that our relationships matter…
In fact, social isolation has been the wake-up call for many of us to stop pursuing the lesser gods of status and success on other people’s terms.
It’s brought us to our knees, humbled and grateful for the chance to re-evaluate and renew our commitment — to deepen our connections with ourselves, each other, and those we share this planet with.
This year has helped us to recognize that who we are and what we give ourselves to shapes not just our own lives, but the entire world and our collective future.
It’s more important than ever to awaken to love.
Not as a concept. Not as a spiritual ideal. Not even as the aspiration to be healthy…
But as a lived experience that burns brightly in our bellies — and leads the way towards the creation of all the connection and care we came here to experience, express, and contribute.
It begins with your relationship with yourself, as you discover how to create a nourishing, life-affirming connection with the beautiful, unique being that you are.
It continues through cultivating an alive and dynamic connection with the sacred energies of Life — which are always in motion, seeking to create magical expressions of goodness and love through us.
And it deepens in our relationships with one another, as we unleash a sweet sense of union, harmony, and solidarity between us.
Never before has the gravity of our collective situation felt so real.
Never before have we been so compelled to stand together in a shared vision of unity and love.
And never before have we been so called to rise to the fullness of our power and creativity.
Yet we have all we need to succeed right here, right now.
Our relationships are more than just food for our own psychological development…
And They’re not separate from our spiritual growth..
During this 3-day online event with Katherine, you’ll:
In this opening session, Katherine will guide you to look within and ask,
How well am I loving the person who needs my love and care the most?
While most of us are intellectually familiar with the concepts of self-love, self-care, and self-worth — and agree they’re good things to have — few of us truly master this domain.
On this first day of the year, Katherine will support you to put first things first — by leading you through a series of sacred practices to create a strong inner foundation of deep self-love.
From there, she’ll support you to prioritize self-care as an expression of this fundamental foundation of love and respect for yourself. You’ll learn to grow a solid sense of self-worth by showing up with others from the truth of your power, wisdom, dignity, and intelligence.
You’ll discover how to identify with your True Self, and to hold and mentor the self you created in your youth in response to trauma — your Traumatized Self.
You’ll feel liberated to live and love from your True Self, instead of letting your uncontained and traumatized younger self run, and ruin, your life.
She’ll also share how to harvest wisdom and compassion from the path of that sacred wounding — and to transform them into the gifts you’ll be able to share with others.
Katherine will help you understand the source of self-worth, and provide a step-by-step pathway to grow your own sense of worthiness and esteem in your relationship with others.
Having this strong sense of self-worth will empower you to negotiate for your needs, set boundaries, and establish your rightful place in the world. It will grant you the courage to begin sharing your contributions with others…
Before now, these distinctions have remained a mystery to many. In this interactive workshop, Katherine will teach you how to build a life-affirming, loving, respectful relationship with yourself — to serve as a solid foundation for your relationships with others.
In this first session you’ll:
Most of us have complex relationships with the creative energies of Life.
While our spiritual beliefs help us believe in a benevolent Universe, and in time of crisis we still feel in our bodies that somehow Life isn’t supporting us, or is uncaring about our struggles.
Without meaning to, we often project the worst of our parents onto the Universe…
For example, if we were raised in a strict household where punishment was the norm, we may perceive the Universe as punishing — and when a breakdown happens, we may simply assume that Life is angry with us. In response, we may settle for less or lower our expectations.
If our parents were distant, and didn’t truly see us and nurture our potential, we may now relate to the Universe as though life is indifferent to us. From inside this perspective, we tend to miss the opportunities at hand, dimming down our vision for our lives.
In other words, as a result of these unconscious projections, most of us are living much smaller lives than what’s actually possible. In response, we may feel alone as we try to bring forth the fullness of our gifts — and become frustrated by how hard that’s been.
On this pivotal second day of the retreat, Katherine will share how you can transform your relationship with the Universe. Moving from a big Parent in the Sky to your co-creative, loving Partner with which to manifest your higher potential for creativity, love, and joy.
In this session, you’ll:
On your final day of the retreat, Katherine will equip you with a template for what healthy, co-creative relationships really look like, and provide the road map for how you can get there.
You’ll see your own beliefs about others clearly, and identify how those beliefs have been coloring your interactions for years. You’ll finally become conscious of how unhealthy relational patterns — like people-pleasing or co-dependence — have been happening through you rather than just to you, so you can access your power to transform them now.
You’ll free yourself to see other people’s deepest truths — without your own projections, fears of abandonment, or co-dependent dynamics standing in the way.
Whether you’re in an intimate relationship right now, cherishing time on your own, ending a relationship, or calling in new love in 2021, you’ll become empowered to uplevel your love life and liberate yourself from painful patterns, starting now.
In this closing session, you’ll:
In this 3-day transformational retreat, Katherine Woodward Thomas will guide you step-by-step, showing you exactly how to uncover the consciousness that has led you to settle for a lesser life — so you can shed these old habits and set yourself up for happier, healthier, more harmonious connections as you enter into a New Year.
This is a rare opportunity to join Katherine LIVE each day for 6-hour sessions!
Each afternoon, you’ll gather with Katherine and her Mentor Coaches for in-depth teachings and interactive engagement — full of powerful insights you can apply right away.
And don’t worry if you can’t be there live — because all sessions are recorded so you can catch up anytime! You’ll receive lifetime access to streaming video recordings of each teaching session. You can refer to these sessions time and again to capture Katherine’s teachings at a time and pace that works for your schedule.
You’ll easily connect with Katherine (and your Love-olutionary tribe.Community!) face-to-face via video. You can also drop in using audio-only if you prefer. Joining Katherine online is easy — just use your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.
Again, don’t worry if you can’t join us live! Complete video and audio recordings will be available for you soon after each session (generally within 24 hours).
One Ticket to Katherine Woodward Thomas’ Exclusive LIVE Event
Wednesday, January 6th
Bring your questions and reflections to this LIVE Q&A event. Katherine created this gathering so she can continue to support you as you take everything you’ve learned on the retreat — and bring it into your daily life.
Each morning, people from all over the world read Katherine’s Love Out Loud (LOL) Messages for inspiration, wisdom and guidance…
In this digital booklet, you’ll find the 21 essential skills of happy, healthy love — inspired by Katherine’s most impactful LOL reflections. From self-soothing, to distinguishing healthy needs from unhealthy needs, to turning grievances into gratitude, she’ll share essential practices for loving yourself and your life — starting now.
In the powerful video workshop with Katherine, you’ll discover how to create healthy and sustainable boundaries that generate greater levels of safety and wellbeing in all of your relationships. Katherine will guide you in developing a heightened awareness of your own limits and boundaries so you can keep your relational field healthy and fit. You’ll also understand how to have better boundaries so that you can trust yourself to get close to someone.
This is a unique opportunity to interact live and directly with Katherine Woodward Thomas. Her compassionate insights, accessible teachings, and powerful work are helping create a more beautiful and healthy world.
If you’re ready to love yourself, your life, and others more deeply in 2021 and beyond, so you can create the life you’ve always wanted, click the enroll button below to reserve your space now.
Reserve your spot on Katherine’s 3-day live virtual retreat, Relationships as a Spiritual Path which includes:
Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., MFT is the New York Times Bestselling Author of Calling in “The One:” 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life and Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After, which inspired the conscious breakup of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, and launched a movement towards kinder, more honorable breakups and divorce.
Katherine is an award-winning licensed marriage and family therapist, and teacher to hundreds of thousands in her virtual and in-person learning communities, as well as a featured teacher on the internally-renowned online transformational learning giant, Mindvalley. To date, she’s trained and certified hundreds to be Calling in “The One” Coaches and Conscious Uncoupling Coaches.
She is also a Billboard Charting jazz singer whose album, Lucky in Love that was co-written and co-produced with the Brothers Koren went to #1 on the iTunes jazz charts in 2019.
©2020 Katherine Woodward Thomas