You have seeds of greatness within
that you’ve been nourishing for decades ...
And while you’ve made tremendous progress,
& have paid forward so much of what you’ve learned
to help others...

A larger life is calling you.

Unable to rest upon your laurels, you feel a compelling urge to keep
climbing that summit towards the realization of your greatest potentials…
To no longer be stopped by old limitations;
To spread your wings and soar in love, life, and livelihood;
To love and be loved fully and completely;
To be recognized and rewarded for your talents;
And to wake up each day feeling wealthy, healthy, happy and whole.

Who is this Masterclass for?

Those of you: 

  • Dedicated to taking your healing all the way to complete liberation from the painful patterns of the past,

  • Ready to step into and live fully from the truth of your power and worthiness;

  • Who want to leap over years of slow and steady progress and live from a powerful and perpetual place of possibility, ready to unleash yourself as a leader of love, creativity, evolution and awakening in our world.

By participating in the
True Love Awakening Masterclass, you will:​

  • Become crystal clear about the specific beliefs you created long ago that have been sabotaging your life ever since and discover how to dissolve and dismantle them;

  • Finally understand how your patterns have been happening through you rather than just to you with exceptional clarity and in ways that will empower you to graduate from them forever;

  • Learn what it means to truly love yourself and heal your relationship with the tender younger you;

  • Grow your capacity for happy, healthy love and radically improve all of your relationships;
  • Experience a somatic awakening to your Authentic Self and begin living from this center as your new norm;
  • Start showing up with others in ways that are consistent with your worthiness and power and retrain those in your life to treat you with greater respect and love;

  • Discover and cultivate those new capacities and skills to show up in the center of your power and worthiness everywhere you go and with everyone you meet;

  • Master sourcing your life from the future you’re standing to create and catapult your life towards the destiny for which you were born; and
  • Claim your space in the world in a way that is deeply authentic, inspiring and fulfilling

Here’s what you’ll receive when you join the 5-Month
True Love Awakening Masterclass:

(6) 4-Hour Live Virtual Classroom Sessions with Katherine

You will meet with Katherine and Dr. Joan once a month for live, 4-hour classroom sessions designed to support you to master various distinctions of the True Love Awakening process. Using Zoom as our platform, these live and interactive classrooms will provide ample opportunities to experience firsthand the power of the work and catapult you to the level of personal mastery over the material.

  • Create your own personalized True Love Awakening Blueprint that maps out your unique pathway beyond your old limiting beliefs, and catalyzes a life overflowing with love, creativity, self-expression and fulfillment;

  • Learn to honor and appreciate the impact of the past, while also reducing its significance in determining what’s possible in your life; 

  • Discover how to generate your life live from your “Possible Self”, and co-create the fulfillment of all you are standing to manifest;

  • Chart the specific ways you will now need to grow to make your new, true identity the home base from which you create your beautiful life;

  • Let go of victimization and master living from a perpetual place of power and possibility;

  • and more…

(5) 2-Hour Live Virtual Coaching Sessions
with Katherine

Two weeks after each classroom, you will meet with Katherine and Dr. Joan to deepen your understanding of the work, and grow your ability to apply the distinctions we’re engaging. During these calls, you are encouraged to ask questions and receive live coaching to support you to integrate and master the material.

Weekly Small Group True Love Awakening Peer Circles

You will thoughtfully be assigned a small peer group that includes six to seven of your peers who will support you to master your own True Love Awakening process. You and your peers will meet weekly via Zoom at a time determined by your group, and be given specific directions and support designed to facilitate your growth with the encouragement of your peers. Peer Groups will benefit from the distinctions brought forth by Lynne McTaggart and Patricia Albere, to strengthen your ability to change your life in profoundly positive ways.

A Private Online Learning Community

You will be invited to join our private Online Learning Community (OLC) which will serve as our virtual meeting place for the duration of our program. All masterclass announcements, recordings of classrooms, coaching calls, resources, TLA Peer Circle private meeting rooms and discussion threads will live inside this private community.

True Love Awakening Masterclass

Applications Now Being Accepted

Pay In Full Tuition: $3,995*

*Payment plans are available. Applications will be accepted through
Sunday, May 24th at Midnight PT and reviewed in the order they're submitted.

Complete the form below to receive details about the next True Love Awakening Masterclass once dates are announced

Early Registration Tuition Discount Extended! Save $1,000 Now!

Payment Plan Option

Early Registration
Tuition: $3,995

Pay In Full Tuition: $4,995

Payment Plan
Tuition: $5,496

($1,832 x's 3 payments)

Plus… For Coaches, Therapists & Counselors
The Masterclass Level 2 Professional Edition

The Masterclass Level 2 Professional Edition is a program designed exclusively for professional coaches, therapists and counselors. Space is limited to 32 professionals inspired to move to the next level of their personal and spiritual development, as well as master integrating the True Love Awakening process into their professional practices. 

What is unique about this professional program, is while creating a life you love, you will also be trained in how to help your clients do the same.

To achieve mastery, one must first pass through a guided apprenticeship before being initiated into the deeper dimensions of the distinctions. As experienced professionals, you have successfully completed your apprenticeship, and are poised to become masterful at facilitating profound and long-lasting transformation in the lives of others.

By becoming masterful in the True Love Awakening process, you will be joining a team of practitioners on the leading edge of our field, devoted to pioneering new levels of clarity and effectiveness in helping people evolve beyond core beliefs.

Join our Professional Tribe and become a positive force of nature leading the way to evolving our collective consciousness forward.

Not only will your own life become personally unrecognizable… 

and not only will you become an expert at facilitating extraordinary change in the lives of your clients, but you will also be an integral part of a community of people who are transforming and evolving how we collectively approach personal development.

By joining the Masterclass Level 2 Professional Edition, you are taking a stand to become a powerful leader of love in our world

As such, you will be trained in the discovery and distinctions of living a noble, worthwhile life that’s devoted to a vision inclusive of, yet far beyond yourself and your own life.

As well as in the core skills in how to be a powerful leader of love and transformation in the world.

By participating in the
The Masterclass Level 2 Professional Edition ...

  • More quickly and accurately assess the false matrix of beliefs which are dooming clients to failure and keeping them stuck in perpetual and painful patterns that are limiting their potentials;

  • Become unstoppable in holding the high watch for your clients, and “un-enroll-able” in their old false stories, no matter how many things they say or do to “prove” that their untrue beliefs are accurate;

  • Be empowered to see the possibilities present in any given moment for your clients in all areas, and capable of helping them to step into the larger possibilities of their lives;

  • Be masterful at applying the True Love Awakening process to any and all areas of your clients lives, such that you are able to catapult them beyond slow and steady growth and radically alter their lives;

  • Expand the use of the True Love Awakening principles and practices to a variety of contexts, including management consulting, shifting family dynamics, empowering effective parenting, activating community leadership, etc.;

  • Effectively present, speak about, teach and enroll others into the True Love Awakening

Who is the The Masterclass Level 2 Professional Edition for?

  • The Professional Edition is designed for those dedicated and inspired coaches, therapists and counselors who want to take their understanding of the True Love Awakening process to the level of mastery, both personally and professionally.

  • Professionals who want to leap over years of slow and steady growth to become one of the most highly effective coaches/therapists in the world.

  • Professionals who want to be unleashed as a leader of love, evolution and awakening.

The The Masterclass Level 2 includes:

In addition to the Saturday Classrooms & Coaching Sessions

(11) 90-Minute, Bi-Monthly Wednesday Supervision Sessions with Katherine & for Level 2 Students Only

In addition to the classrooms, coaching sessions, peer circles and online learning community those in the Professional Edition will have a 90 min bi-weekly supervision sessions with Katherine and Dr. Joan to engage your professional and leadership development, as well as the chance to voluntarily elect to coach the Masterclass Participants as practicum clients, if you so desire. 

True Love Awakening Certificate

At the end of your training, you will receive a Certificate signed by Katherine Woodward Thomas and Dr. Joan Bragar to designate the completion of your training in the True Love Awakening process that you can hang on your wall, along with your other well-earned professional credentials.

True Love Awakening Masterclass Level 2
Begins on Saturday, May 2nd

*Only 32 Spots Available*

Two Registration Options

Complete the form below to receive details about the next True Love Awakening Masterclass once dates are announced

True Love Awakening Masterclass

Applications Now Being Accepted

Pay In Full
Tuition: $3,995

Level 2 Professional
Edition: $4,995

*Payment plans are available. Applications will be accepted through
Sunday, May 24th at Midnight PT and reviewed in the order they're submitted.

**Masterclass Bonuses**

The Intention Experiment Seminar with bestselling author Lynne McTaggart and Katherine Woodward Thomas!

Join Katherine & bestselling author of The Power of Eight, The Intention Experiment, The Field, The Bond and others, Lynne McTaggart for a deep dive into her powerful work. Lynne is excited by the opportunity to mentor our community to work together in small True Love Awakening Peer Circles and is custom designing this 60-minute seminar to provide tips and tools to maximize their effectiveness during our 5 months together (value $199).

LIVE Seminar, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success & How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential featuring bestselling author Dr. Carol Dweck and Katherine Woodward Thomas.

Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading researchers in the fields of personality, social psychology, and developmental psychology. She’s a leading Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, and has won nine lifetime achievement awards for her research into the psychology of success and the realization of our potentials. Join Dr. Dweck and Katherine to unpack what it will take to leave painful patterns behind and leap into the fulfillment of your potentials. (value $199).

Evolutionary Relationships: Trust, Truth and Transformation with Your Tribe Seminar featuring bestselling author Patricia Albere and Katherine Woodward Thomas.

Join Katherine and Patricia as she demonstrates how we can access our highest possibilities for love, energy and creating for ourselves and our world through the power of shared consciousness so we can empower others to do the same (value $199).


Upon approval of your application for the Masterclass you'll be gifted the
True Love Awakening Introductory Intensive at no-additional charge.

This online workshop designed to familiarize you with the core principles and distinctions of the True Love Awakening process. This deep dive into the foundational components of the process will prepare you to get the greatest results from your participation in the
True Love Awakening Masterclass (value $297).

During the workshop we’ll:

Identify and challenge the specific beliefs at the level of identity that have been covertly keeping you stuck and sabotaging your ability to live the life of your dreams;

⁕ Discover the technologies of manifesting miracles for yourself and others, and awaken your power to create unprecedented breakthroughs in all areas of your life for yourself and others;

⁕ Connect with the "Possible Self" of your future, and discover the power of living from the future backwards to deliver you to the life you came here to live.

True Love Awakening Masterclass

Applications Now Being Accepted

Pay In Full
Tuition: $3,995

Level 2 Professional
Edition: $4,995

*Payment plans are available. Applications will be accepted through
Sunday, May 24th at Midnight PT and reviewed in the order they're submitted.

Complete the form below to receive details about the next True Love Awakening Masterclass once dates are announced


 Register for True Love Awakening Masterclass by Wednesday, March 26th at Midnight PT and receive the Activate Your Awakening Coaching Session (value: $147).

This 30-minute, one-on-one session with a Certified Coach is designed to reveal your personal power statements. These power statements will act as the anchor that drives you towards your goals during The True Love Awakening Masterclass program.

Simply register for the True Love Awakening Masterclass by March 26th and this session is yours at No Additional Charge!

True Love Awakening Masterclass
Begins on Saturday, May 2nd

Select the Masterclass Level and Payment Option Best Suited For You



True Love Awakening Masterclass

Pay In Full Tuition: $4,995

SAVE $1,000 NOW!
ONLY $3,995

Payment Plan
Tuition: $5,496

($1,832 x's 3 payments)

True Love Awakening Masterclass Level 2

Pay In Full Tuition: $5,995

SAVE $1,000 NOW!
ONLY $4,995

Payment Plan
Tuition: $6,495

($2,165 x's 3 payments)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Accepted forms of payment include Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Wire Transfer, and Check*. Payments are to be made in US Dollars (USD).

*In the event of payment by check or wire transfer, payment must be received within 14 days of registration. Registration will not be confirmed until payment has been received.

Refunds will be provided for written or electronic cancellations received by the balance due date of April 10th, 2020. Any refund provided will be less a  non-refundable event production fee of $400.

Requests to transfer your participation can be accepted up to the start date of the program. 100% of your tuition  fees paid at the time of your transfer will be retained, and can be applied to any other KWT, LLC offering for up to one year from the date of the transfer request.  

You may also transfer your tuition to another person such as a friend or colleague without any additional fee. 

No refunds or transfers will be provided after May 2nd, 2020.**

**Exceptions can be made, on a case by case basis, in the event of a life emergency.  In the event that you needed to cancel your participation after the program has begun  the transfer policy as stated above would apply.  

For support with transfer or refunds, contact


Masterclass Participant Sessions: Everyone

Classrooms: 11am – 3pm PT  
May 2
May 30 
June 27
July 18
August 22
September 26

Coaching Calls: 11am – 1pm PT
May 16
June 13
July 11
August 8
September 12

Masterclass Professional Edition Supervision Sessions: Professional Edition participants ONLY 

Wednesdays: Noon – 1:30pm Pacific Time (PT)
May 6, May 20 

June 3, June 17

July 1, July 15
(Skip July 29*)

August 5*, August 12
(Skip Aug  26*)

Sept. 2*, Sept 9, Sept 23 

*The Schedule is based on an every two week model with some variations due to Katherine’s Travel Schedule. The weeks that vary are noted with the *

While we strongly encourage you to plan to attend all sessions, they will be recorded and made available via our Masterclass Online Learning Community (OLC) within 24hrs of each session.

For the standard Masterclass participant, there are no prerequisites required to participate. 

For the Masterclass Professional Edition, you must be a professional coach, counselor or therapist to participate.

While there is no required program prep work to join the True Love Awakening Masterclass, we do encourage students, when possible, to attend the True Love Awakening Event online from March 20th – 22nd, 2020  

There is minimal required reading to participate in the True Love Awakening Masterclass program, though suggested reading will be offered. 

The program will encourage you to implement certain highly-transformative practices into your life for the purposes of your own lived experience of transformation and empowerment.

YES !! Participation in this program qualifies for 30 CEUs, and participation in the Professional Level qualifies for 46 CEUs.

If you would like to receive CEUs for participating in this program, please email Kristin at to let us know. You must let us know at the start of the program. Failure to inform us at the start of the program that you wish to qualify for CEUs, will result in an inability to provide you with the CEUs you may have otherwise been eligible for. 

To qualify for the CEUs, you are required to attend all course sessions in real time, and/or to watch the videos of the classrooms and coaching calls and demonstrate attendance.

There is an extra CEU fee of $8 per unit. This is $240 for a Masterclass Participant and $368 for Masterclass Professional Edition.

Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., LMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFT’s, LCSW’s, LPCC’s, and/or LEP’s (CAMFT Provider #47057.) Katherine Woodward Thomas maintains full responsibility for this program and its content.

Here’s What Other Thought-Leaders Have to Say About Katherine

“There are people in all our lives to whom we listen with our ears perked, and for me, Katherine Woodward Thomas is such a person. Katherine is a woman I look to for wisdom and counsel. How wonderful that her advice is available to all.”
Marianne Williamson
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author, and world-renowned Spiritual Leader
“Katherine Woodward Thomas is a master teacher and one of the great pioneers who is offering new perspectives, skills and tools that will lead us into the depths of authentic loving, and to the true potency and power of relationship.”
Dr. Jean Houston
Bestselling Author of The Wizard of Us
“Katherine Woodward Thomas touches and transforms people’s lives with her quiet, graceful, exquisite elegance combined with an incredible power that moves through her and into us!”
Debra Poneman
Bestselling Author & Founder of
“Katherine’s grounded and fierce tenderness has been an inspiring force for me for years. She is a visionary whose passion for both personal and global fulfillment is felt throughout her writing, presence and teachings. I am so grateful for her.”
Alanis Morissette
Grammy Winning Singer/Songwriter
“Katherine Woodward Thomas is my relationship guru. Her wisdom and guidance helped me clear all blocks to romantic freedom.”
Gabrielle Bernstein
New York Times Bestselling Author of Miracles Now
“Katherine Woodward Thomas articulately explains the cause of our relationship pain and what’s required of us to heal our major wounds, so we can evolve past them and become all of who we are!”
Jack Canfield
#1 New York Times Bestselling Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series
“Katherine Woodward Thomas is cutting edge with her knowledge. She is profound and deep. She is engaging and entertaining. You can hear a pin drop when she speaks.”
Marci Shimoff
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Happy For No Reason

True Love Awakening Masterclass Faculty

Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., MFT is the New York Times Bestselling Author of Calling in “The One:” 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life and Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After, which inspired the conscious breakup of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, and launched a movement towards kinder, more honorable breakups and divorce.

Katherine is a licensed marriage and family therapist, and teacher to hundreds of thousands in her virtual and in-person learning communities, as well as a featured teacher on the internally-renowned online transformational learning giant, Mindvalley. To date, she’s trained and certified hundreds to be Calling in “The One” Coaches and Conscious Uncoupling Coaches.

Dr. Joan Bragar is the author of Never Too Late for Love: The Successful Woman’s Guide to Online Dating in the Second Half of Life.

She works with Katherine Woodward Thomas, the family therapist and New York Times best selling author of Calling in the One, and Conscious Uncoupling to design and develop The True Love Awakening transformational programs. 

Joan is a certified relationship coach who helps women to find happy healthy love in the second half of life. She was happily married at age sixty-two to Marc, whom she met on They are living a full life in Florida and Boston, working, staying fit, and enjoying their many children and grandchildren.

Joan earned AB, EdM and EdD degrees from Harvard University. She has taught leadership around the world in universities, businesses, and health ministries. The leadership practices and programs that she led are documented in her book, Leading for Results.

She has worked as a professor of leadership at Boston University and as an executive coach to business owners at Harvard Business School.

If you’ve questions about the program, please email us at or